Semi Skimmed UHT Milk Jigger
Exact amount of milk for the perfect cup of tea – how do you gauge that? Use a jigger.
Ideal for Hotels, Cafes, Bed & Breakfasts, Camping, Restaurants, Work place and Outdoor pursuits.
No Mess No Waste
It’s quite possibly an individual thing.
It’s worth noting UHT Milk Jiggers are a catering/hospitality product with an average shelf life of between 3 and 12 weeks, consequently the throughput/usage by caterers as you would expect is a fast turnaround and can accommodate shorter shelf life than a powdered milk/whitener. Please feel free to message us to check the dates on our existing stock
But in a modern convenience-based society having a small, easily accessible amount of milk for your tea, in an equally small and conversely inaccessible plastic container with a foil top, is tantamount to the euphoria of actually having five minutes to yourself to enjoy said cup of tea.
So what should these little pots of milk be called?
Enter quite possibly the single-most ridiculously named measure of volume: the ‘jigger’.
As anyone who’s worked serving alcohol will tell you (or should be able to tell you – if not, don’t ask them for anything more complex than a pint of bitter), a jigger is a measuring tool for dosing out shots of liquor.
These are shaped like an hourglass (or two egg cups joined together, one slightly smaller than the other). The name comes from the larger cup which measures out 1.5 fl oz (44ml) – a ‘jigger’. The other, smaller cup measures out about 1 fl oz (30ml). There are different sized jiggers available, but all measure a larger amount and a smaller amount (for doubles or singles).
So, now that we have a name for a small measure of liquid, such as the amount of milk needed to turn a cup of tea from tasting like hot water with herbs in it into an ambrosia worthy of the gods, the second stage is putting this amount into a suitable receptacle.
The average-sized milk jigger holds on average 10ml
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